WP Disturbance hypothesizes that novel disturbance equipment and compounds enables perennial management without inverting the soil. Moreover, combinations with competition measures will improve perennial management.
WP Competition assumes that crop traits can be excerpted from existing information, which helps to select the subsidiary crops that can best suppress perennials and be combined with disturbance measures.
WP Species hypothesize that individual species reacts specifically to disturbance and competition. This WP will investigate this by experiments and summarizing existing knowledge. It acknowledges biological and ecological differences between the three species of concern. Creeping perennials resist manual monitoring more than other organisms.
WP Monitoring claims that innovative solutions facilitate monitoring and deliver data about occurrence and shapes of perennial field patches.
WP Modeling presumes that an innovative qualitative modelling platform, providing an aggregative hierarchical network model, can assist in decisions about perennial management in a given crop. Regarding the patch building of creeping perennial and the definite need for a long-term agro-ecological management.
WP Graphic web tool expects that an innovative method of visualizing field infestations under the impact of various methods will raise interest and uptake by stakeholders.
WP Coordination organizes the work and information flow between partners and the data management. It is also in charge of communication with and dissemination to multiple actors and stakeholders. To that end, research focus is on exploring environmental, economic and socio-economic effects of agro-ecological management practices.