
Journal article

Ganji, E, Grenzdörffer, G., Andert, S., 2023: Estimating the Reduction in Cover Crop Vitality Followed by Pelargonic Acid Application Using Drone Imagery. Agronomy 13(2), 354. DOI: 10.3390/agronomy13020354

Tørresen, K.S., and Gerowitt, B., 2022: Late autumn ramet sprouting
of three arable creeping perennial weed species, Agronomy 12, 2175;  

Lacroix, O., Aubertot, J.-N., Bohanec, M., Cordeau, S., Corrales, D.C., Robin, M-H., 2021: IPSIM-Cirsium, a Qualitative Expert-Based Model to Predict Infestations of Cirsium arvense. Front. Agron. 3,  

Tørresen, K. S., et al., 2020: Autumn growth of three perennial weeds at high latitude benefits from climate change. Global Change Biology 26(4): p. 2561–2572., DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14976

Rasmussen, J., Azim, S., Nielsen, J., 2021: Pre-harvest weed mapping of Cirsium arvense L. based on free satellite imagery – The importance of weed aggregation and image resolution. European Journal of Agronomy 130. DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2021.126373

Proceedings paper

Robin, M-H., Lacroix, O., Aubertot, J.-N., Bohanec, M., and Cordeau, S., 2022:
IPSIM-Cirsium, a qualitative expert-based model to predict infestations of Cirsium arvense. Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2022. 468: 94–99.

Andert, S., Weigel, M., Ganji, E., Gerowitt, B., 2022: Visualizing growth of Cirsium arvense (L.) scop. for farmers. Julius-Kühn-Archiv 468.

Gerowitt, B., Andert, S., Brandsaetter, L.O., Rasmussen, J., Robin, M.H., Salonen, J., Tørresen, K., and Zhang, H., 2022: The challenges of arable creeping perennial weeds in research, management and perception addressed in the joint project AC/DC-weeds. Julius-Kühn-Archiv 468.

Hamacher, M., Andert, S., Gerowitt, B., 2022: Praxiserfahrungen zu Wurzelunkräutern im Ackerbau. Julius-Kühn-Archiv 468.

Ganji, E., Andert, S., Gerowitt, B., 2022: The herbicidal potential of Pelargonic Acid to control Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. In relation to the timing of application and the application volume. Julius-Kühn-Archiv 468.

Weigel, M., and Gerowitt, B., 2022: Mechanical disturbance of Cirsium arvense. Results from a multi-year field study. Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 468: 79-85.

Zhang, H., et al., 2020:: Future management of arable perennials – an introduction to the project AC/CD-weeds. Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 2020. 464: p. 280-285.,

Salonen, J., and T. Lötjönen, Agroekologista otetta kestorikkakasvien hallintaan. Kasvinsuojeluseuran Kasvinsuojelupäivä, 2020: p. 36.

Salonen, J., et al., Agro-ecological management of creeping perennial weeds (AC/DC-weeds). Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, 2020. 37: p. 313.,

Farmer magazine

Lötjönen, T., Virkkula, V. & Valtonen, O., Luomukoetoiminnalla parempia
satoja ja päästösäästöjä. Research brings better yields and decreases emissions in organic farming. Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, 2022. 39: 148

Salonen, J., and Lötjönen, T., Uutta tietoa ja tekniikkaa kestorikkakasvien
mekaaniseen torjuntaan. Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, 2022. 39: 45.

Andert, S., Hamacher, M., Weigel, M., Gerowitt, B. (2023): Die Problemfälle kontrollieren. DLG-Mitteilungen 2/2023.

Andert, S., Hamacher, M., Weigel, M., Gerowitt, B. (2022): Rootcutter statt Glyphosat. Agrarheute 12/2022.

Salonen, J. and Lötjönen, T., Agrologista otetta kestorikkakasvien
torjuntaan. Kasvinsuojeluseuran ”Kasvinsuojelupäivä 2020”, 2020. 36.

Lötjönen, T., Rikkakasvien hallinta uudistavassa viljelytavassa, LUOMULEHTI 4/2020.

Hamacher, M., Andert, S. and B. Gerowitt, Hier hilft nur eine Wurzelbehandlung, 2020, Bauernzeitung, 51/2020.

Gerowitt, B. and S. Andert, Forschungsprojekt AC/DC-weeds: Wurzelunkräuter im Ackerbau kontrollieren – Strategien gegen Quecken und Disteln, 2020, LUMBRICO, 7/2020.

Andert, S. and B. Gerowitt, Neue Wege der Forschung zu Wurzelunkräutern an der Universität Rostock, 2019, Bauernzeitung, 21/2019.

Master thesis

Lacroix O., Qualitative modelling of the management of perennials weeds Elymus repens, Cirsium arvense and Sonchus arvensisAgrocampus Ouest, Institut supérieur des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage, France, 2020.

Haß, F., Eindringwiderstand und Gefügemerkmale des Bodens unter dem Einfluss des Root-Cutters – ein neues Gerät zur mechanischen Bekämpfung von Wurzelunkräutern, Universität Rostock, Germany, 2020.

Michaelis, L., Herbizidwirkung von Pelargonsäure auf drei perennierende Unkrautarten, Universität Rostock, Germany, 2020.

Presentation, oral

Tørresen, K.S., Salonen, J., Brandsæter, L.O., Ringselle, B., Weigel, M., Ganji,
E., and Gerowitt, B., 2022: Managing Cirsium arvense, Sonchus arvensis and Elymus repens in northern European arable farming – where are significant knowledge gaps? Book of Abstracts 19th EWRS Symposium 2022 “Lighting the Future of Weed Science”, 2022. Athens (Greece), p. 213.

Robin, M-H., Lacroix, O., Aubertot, J.N., and Doizy, A., 2022: Un OAD pour gérer le chardon des champs. Phytoma, 751.

Skagestad, Ø., Tørresen, K.S., and Brandsæter, L.O., Effect of early and late
mechanical treatments in autumn on bud growth and long-term control of Sonchus arvensis in spring cereals. Book of Abstracts 19th EWRS Symposium 2022 “Lighting the Future of Weed Science”, 2022. Athens (Greece), p. 32.

Guguin, J., and Valantin-Morison, M., 2022: Les couverts végétaux, un levier dans
la gestion des vivaces (chardon, laiteron, chiendent, rumex) en grandes cultures?
Enquêtes auprès d’agriculteurs et d’autres experts. Revue AE&S 12-1, Adventices et couverts végétaux, 2022. Numéro ISSN 1775-4240.

Andert, S., 2022: Controlling arable weeds with the bio-based herbicide pelargonic acid. Book of Abstracts 8th International Weed Science Congress “Weed Science in a climate of Change”, 2022. Bangkok (Thailand), p. 18.

Weigel, M, Andert, S., Gerowitt, B., Müller, J., 2022: Carbohydrate dynamics in roots of Cirsium arvense and Sonchus arvensis. Book of Abstracts 8th International Weed Science Congress “Weed Science in a climate of Change”, 2022. Bangkok (Thailand), p. 94.

Weigel, M., Andert, S., and Gerowitt, B., 2022: Monitoring patch size changes of the creeping perennial Cirsium arvense to evaluate the efficiency of control treatments. Book of Abstracts 19th EWRS Symposium 2022 “Lighting the Future of Weed Science”, 2022. Athens (Greece), p. 82.

Ganji, E., Salonen, J., Gerowitt, B., and Tørresen, K.S., 2022: Sprouting potential
of Sonchus arvensis under defoliation treatments in Northern Europe. Book of Abstracts 19th EWRS Symposium 2022 “Lighting the Future of Weed Science”, 2022. Athens (Greece),
p. 225.

Weigel, M., Brandsaeter, L.O., Berge, T.W., Salonen, J. Lötjönen, T., and
Gerowitt, B., Two years multi-site field experiments to control perennial weed species without herbicides. Book of Abstracts 19th EWRS Symposium 2022 “Lighting the Future of Weed Science”, 2022. Athens (Greece), p. 123.

Andert, S., 2022: The potential of natural substances as bio-based
herbicides to control arable weeds. Book of Abstracts 19th EWRS Symposium 2022 “Lighting the Future of Weed Science”, 2022. Athens (Greece), p. 205.

Ganji, E., and Andert, S., 2022: The herbicidal potential of pelargonic acid to
control Cirsium arvense in arable farming. Book of Abstracts 19th EWRS Symposium 2022 “Lighting the Future of Weed Science”, 2022. Athens (Greece), p. 154.

Andert, S., and B. Gerowitt, Controlling arable weeds with natural substances as bio-based herbicides. 29th German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control 3-5 Mar. 2020, Braunschweig Germany, 2020.

Lacroix O., Qualitative modelling of the management of perennials weeds Elymus repens, Cirsium arvense and Sonchus arvensis, 2020, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France.

Andert, S., and B. Gerowitt, Diminishing arable weeds with pelargonic acid as bio-based herbicide. International Plant Science Conference 15-19 Sept. 2019, Rostock Germany, 2019.


Salonen, J., et al., Agro-ecological management of creeping perennial weeds (AC/DC-weeds). Maataloustieteen Päivät 8-9 Jan. 2020, Helsinki Finland, 2020.

Zhang, H., et al., Future management of arable perennials – an introduction to the project AC/CD-weeds. 29th German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control 3-5 Mar. 2020, Braunschweig Germany, 2020.

Salonen, J., and T. Lötjönen, Agroekologista otetta kestorikkakasvien hallintaa . Kasvinsuojelupäivä 14 Jan. 2020, Hämeenlinna Finland, 2020.